Search Results | sense about science

Your search for "sense about science" returned 1,255 results

How do sharks see, smell and hear?

A shark sense isn't so different from any of our senses, a shark sense is just sharper underwater. See more about shark sense and how each works.

Can animals predict death?

Can animals predict death? Oscar the Cat made the news for predicting deaths of nursing home patients. Learn about how animals can predict death.

A Human's Sense of Smell Is Actually as Good as a Dog's

A new report says humans' sense of smell is similar to other mammals'. HowStuffWorks looks at how the myth got started that ours was worse.

10 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense

Dogs have great senses and are insightful, intuitive creatures. See 10 amazing things dogs can sense to learn more.

How does pregnancy affect the senses of smell and taste?

Pregnancy often affects the senses of smell and taste. Learn theories about why pregnancy affects the senses of smell and taste.

5 Characteristics of a Great Science Teacher

Science education methods are changing as a result of the Next Generation Science Standards, which aim to define a uniform vision for K-12 science education across the U.S.

Do food manufacturers manipulate taste?

Flavorists are scientists that use chemistry in order to produce different tastes. Find out what flavorists do and how flavorists create different tastes.

This is your brain on love: The Science of Love Quiz

Forget about hearts and flowers and poetry. Love is all in your head -- your brain actually. So let's strip out the romance and get down to the neurochemicals and physiology that release a swarm of butterflies when encountering a new crush.

Pop Quiz: General Science

Science nerds, this is for you! Can you ace this pop quiz? Test your general science knowledge covering chemistry, astronomy, physics, biology, and other fields, and let's see how you fare!

Has science explained life after death?

Life after death is a concept that has left some researchers wondering what causes near-death experiences. Learn about life after death theories.

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